If you are preparing for your upcoming marriage, there is no doubt that you are thrilled and very excited. But how prepared are you for the big day? Do you have plans for your hair? No need to rush to the salon. You can pamper yourself even at home!

Tips to Get Healthy Hair for the Bride-To-Be:

1. Hair Treatments

Start in advance and have your hair treated. If you’re having problems with dryness, look for a hair mask recipe that addresses this. The same goes for problems related to volume, dandruff, and hair loss.

2. Deep Condition

Keep your locks healthy with a weekly deep conditioning session. You can try blending coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil and massage it onto your scalp. Leave it on for 10 minutes or more before you use shampoo. You can also mix plain yogurt and an egg. Whisk it first before applying it to your hair. Try doing this 2x a week, so it gets the protein it needs.

3. Say No to Chemical Treatments

Avoid getting chemical treatments that can dry your hair, especially if your wedding day is approaching!

4. Avoid Hair Dyes

Hair dyes can dry your hair too. Moreover, getting the wrong color can be disastrous, especially when your wedding is just a few days away. You can opt for henna mixes instead.

After all, is said and done, don’t forget that having a happy heart will always bring out an inner glow that no amount of makeup or hair care can replace. We wish you a long and happy marriage. Congratulations and good luck!

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